Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quilt Quality Inspectors and Love's Fresh Lemon

It has been a rough 2 weeks, but I did finish Love's Fresh Lemon, for a new baby girl at church. I asked for Izzy's opinion. As you can see she is very discriminating and hard to please. Commi felt he needed to be a part of the process. He is an expert on binding and all things wiggly. Izzy did not appreciate his imput or his comments, especially those concerning her very attractive and irresistable tail. It is apparent that they are still working out their relationship as Quilt Quality Inspectors and roomates in general.


  1. My two cats are sisters and fight over quilt rights all the time! Love the bright and cheery yellow!

  2. Your yellow quilt is so beautiful and bright...I love the yellow and white colors!

  3. love the quilt and the kitties! i have a cat that looks just like them

  4. Wow, this is a lovely, lovely quilt. The different yellows look so good together!
